Thanks for stopping by and spending a moment to read my blog. I am just a simple mom, like you, doing the best she can to raise her children to be happy, healthy, Jesus-loving little humans. I hope that I can pass along to you some of what has been helpful to me. Enjoy & thank you for your comments and words of encouragement when you like what you read. :)

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Remind me that they're little

When I am tired at the end of the day
When my kids need more of me than I feel I have left to give
When they are whiney and clingy
Lord, remind me that they are little

When they wake up earlier than the sun
When they refuse to nap
When they fight bedtime with every fiber of their being 
Lord, remind me that they are little

When they spill their juice and throw their dinner on the floor
When there are constantly crumbs stuck to my bare feet
When they won't drink milk without chocolate
Lord, remind me that they are little

When they ask me to read to them
When they ask me to play
When they ask me to color
Lord, remind me that they are little

When they jump and shout and run 
When they think poop and boogers are the funniest thing on the face of the Earth
When they play with the hose and mud every time they go outside
Lord, remind me that they are little

When my house littered with toys & Legos
When the dishes are never done
When they laundry pile never goes away
Lord, remind me that they are little

When they ask me 'why' a thousand times
When they forget to do their chores
When their Christmas wish list is at least a mile long
Lord, remind me that they are little

When they crawl in bed to cuddle
When they ask for one more hug
When they crawl into my lap
Lord, remind me that they are little

My time with them is fleeting
And sweet moments come and go
Before I know it they'll be gone
Lord, remind me that they are little

When my patience is running low
When my discipline has been to harsh
When my tired soul just needs a rest
Lord, remind me that they are little

You have blessed me with these children
And put their tender lives into my hands
They've changed my life more than words can tell
Lord, don't ever let me forget that they are little

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