Thanks for stopping by and spending a moment to read my blog. I am just a simple mom, like you, doing the best she can to raise her children to be happy, healthy, Jesus-loving little humans. I hope that I can pass along to you some of what has been helpful to me. Enjoy & thank you for your comments and words of encouragement when you like what you read. :)

Monday, May 13, 2013

50 Things to do this Summer for FREE

Summer doesn't have to be expensive, kids just want permission to play, to be loud and to have fun. With a little planning and creativity your summer days can be filled with memories for free!! 

I'd love to hear from you...what's your favorite summer memory from your childhood?

1. Photo scavenger hunt - take pictures of things around your house and have the kids find them. For older kids take close ups so thy have to fugue them out a little more
2. Neighborhood BINGO - write thing you might see around your house on a 5x5 set of squares. 
3. Make your own obsticle coarse and have a relay race
4. Decorate your yard or porch like the beach and pretend you are on vacation somewhere tropical
5. Play make believe while you are on a walk - take turns making up stories about all the things that you see along the way
6. Water Corn Hole - Mark shapes on the sidewalk and see who can land the closest using sponge bombs
7. Splash T-Ball/Baseball - replace your softball or wiffleball with water balloons
8. Impromptu Jacks - with small rocks or pebbles, toss one into the air and try to pick up another one, two, three and so one before catching the one that is falling
9. Make a treasure map (or have your kids make one). Then follow the map to the treasure and X marks the spot 
10. Build a fort and have a water balloon war
11. Draw with chalk on the wet sidewalk
12. Freeze toys into a block of ice and get em back out
13. Surprise the kids with new water guns or a bin filled with water balloons and let them go at it
14. Paint with water and paintbrushes on the sidewalk or construction paper
15. Use a turkey baster to fill up cups. Use a rubber band to mark lines
16. Explore with oil, water and food coloring
17. Gather things to see if they will sink or float
18. Poke holes in an old hose for a wacky water sprinkler
19. Add plastic balls to a baby pool filled with water
20. Have a car wash party - get the bikes, trucks, and scooters all soapy! 
21. Make real fruit popsicles from scratch
22. Have a banana split for breakfast 
23. Have a pizza party with homemade personal pizza and lots of toppings
24. Learn about the different types of clouds
25. Make a summer bucket list scrapbook using supplies you have at home and pictures of all the fun things you did
26. Give your kids a basket of random ingredients and let them make thier own snack. 
27. Plant a flower (or small vegetable like carrots) and have your kids take care of it
28. Make a bird bath or bird feeder from an large over turned pot with the base glued to the top
29. Make lemonade from scratch. Add frozen fruit for a fancy treat
30. Play with bubbles. Try filling a baby pool with bubble solution and make giant bubbles using a hula-hoop. Try standing inside the bubble. 
31. Have a picnic lunch at a new park/playground 
32. Take a new route when you go for a walk
33. Go camping in the backyard - s'mores and sleeping bags required
34. Visit a local garden or farm to learn where fruits and vegetables come from
35. Go to the library for story time or other fun activities they have planned
36. Play tourist in your own town
37. Learn all about the city where you live. Make a poster to show all about it
39. Visit the mint, state capital or museum
40. Ask for a tour of the places you visit to see how things work, like the bowling alley, the library, the post office, the movie theater, a reataurant or even the grocery sore (call ahead to make sure they're not busy)
41. Use face paint
42. Have a backwards day
43. Act out a book you read
44. Have a shaving cream fight
45. Have a 'YES' day - set a budget then anything the kids want goes
46. Learn a secret language like Pig-Latin
47. Leave your kids notes in a secret code all over the house with clues for them to figure out
48. Dance to music turned up REALLY LOUD!
49. Have a theme day (like princesses and knights). Wear costumes and play make believe. Find games and snack ideas to go with your theme online
50. Dance in the rain and jump in big puddles

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