Thanks for stopping by and spending a moment to read my blog. I am just a simple mom, like you, doing the best she can to raise her children to be happy, healthy, Jesus-loving little humans. I hope that I can pass along to you some of what has been helpful to me. Enjoy & thank you for your comments and words of encouragement when you like what you read. :)

Friday, March 1, 2013

{Craft Along} ABC Animal Handprint Book: Week 1

Welcome to the first week of my first {Craft Along} series!!! This week we will be completing letters A-E following the examples given in Red Ted's Art Blog. Find out more about our project {here}!

Paint (yellow, black, green, grey and your choice of color for the alien & dinosaur
Googley eyes
Construction paper to match the dinosaur
Tulle for bee's wings
Laminating sheets
NOTE: These letters can be done all in one sitting or one per day to go along with books from the library, coloring pages and other crafts.

1. See notes for each letter/animal to help you with your handprint; use a paintbrush to apply paint to your child's hand.
2. Allow paint to dry completely before adding embellishments.
3. Wash and dry hands between each letter.
4. Laminate pages after the paint is COMPLETELY dry then add final embellishments like googley eyes & wings using hot glue onto the laminated pages.
5. We will bind our books when all the letters are done - for now keep the finished pages in a safe place. :)

{A is for Alien}
Have your child decide how many eyes his alien will be and what color(s). Paint the palm of their hand for the body & one finger per number of eyes that they chose - starting with the middle finger for one eye, or the middle and ring finger for two eyes and so on. Spread fingers wide & press their hand VERTICALLY (fingers up) down onto the paper and allow the paint to dry fully before drawing a mouth, arms and legs.

{B is for Bee}
Have your child put their fingers close together as you paint vertical stripes on their palm and fingers, excluding the thumb. Tip: yellow first then black. Keep fingers close together as you press their hand HORIZONTALLY down onto the paper and allow the paint to dry fully before drawing antenae.

{C is for Crocodile}
This animal has two parts. First, paint your child's palm and fingers green excluding the thumb. This will be the body and tail --- keep fingers close together as you press their hand HORIZONTALLY down onto the paper. Wash & dry hands. Secondly, paint the palm, thumb, index and middle fingers green (exclude ring and pinky finger). This will be the head and mouth --- with their fingers close together and thumb extended (open mouth) lay the palm down on top of the first imprint with fingers extending in the opposite direction as the tail. Allow to dry fully before drawing teeth onto your croc.

{D is for Dinosaur}
Paint your child's palm, pinky and thumb (exclude ring, middle and index fingers). With fingers spread press their hand HORZONTIALLY down onto the paper. Paint four legs beneath the dinosaur. Allow to dry before attaching spikes to his back and tail.
{E is for Elephant}
Paint your child's entire hand with grey paint. With fingers spread slightly and paper turned UPSIDE-DOWN, press their hand HORIZONTALLY onto the paper. *The fingers are the feet and thumb is the trunk. Allow to dry before drawing an ear onto the elephant.

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