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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

How To Keep Lettuce Crispy

We get a beautiful head of salad greens in the basket almost every time and since our family buys two I needed a way to keep it fresh for longer than a few days. After some trial and error I finally found the trick, plus it is packaged nicely and fits in the produce trays for nice storage! :) Here is what to do...

With a fresh head of lettuce or other salad greens, cut off the stem end with a non-metallic blade (to prevent browning) or tear off the leaves of you don't have one.

Fill a clean sink with cold water and thoroughly rinse the leaves.

Remove excess water with a salad spinner. Don't have one - no worries... Wrap the lettuce in a dish towel then remove the water (outside or in the garage) by flinging/swirling the closed towel overhead. Looks silly and a bit wet but it works and its faster than towel drying each leaf.

STEP 4: Place the lettuce leaves into a ziplock bag lined with paper towels. Remove air and store in produce drawer of your fridge. :)

The paper towels remove the excess water but remain damp to keep your lettuce crispy!! Hooray!!!

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