Top 10 Tips for your Mom's Day Off
10. Spend time alone.
We are around people all the time. Give yourself a large portion of time (if not all of it) to just be alone. How long has it been since you we are to do what YOU wanted to do, when you wanted to do it. Most moms are very good about making sure that everyone else gets what they need -- during your day off focus on what YOU need!!!
9. Turn off your gadgets.
In the last decade we have become obsessively "plugged in" - to the TV, to music, to the computer, to our smart phones. I would think it safe to assume over 90% of our daily routine involves some sort of an electronic. And the chaos of children and babies only adds to the noise! Our brains are on overload and begging for quiet. Spend some time enjoying the peace of silence.
8. Make a to-do list.
It will take you a little while to not feel the urge to get up and do something - to clean, to run errands, to get that one thing done that you've been putting off. You only have a little while to truly relax -- make a list of things to do when your day off is over. The list can wait, I promise!
7. Sleep in.
I have never spoken to a mom (at least one with kids still at home), who can honestly say they feel well rested and like they get enough sleep at night. This is a secret that no one ever told me before I had kids --- Your babies won't sleep through the night, and when they do they will wake you up before dawn! I rarely get the opportunity to go to bed and sleep until I wake up on my own. So this morning when I saw sunlight shining under the door, I actually leapt out of bed to see if someone had come home. (I thought there was a light on in the house - because it has been that long since I have woken up after the sun)
6. Go out with your husband or with a friend.
Free childcare!!! Make plans to go out and enjoy yourself knowing that you can sleep in the next day!
5. Do what you love.
Stay in bed all day. Go shopping. Get a massage. Read a book from start to finish. Cook. Watch a movie. Go running. Get a manicure or pedicure. Take a bath. Give yourself a facial. Do a craft. Do you hair and makeup without feeling rushed. God made every mom different - we all love different things and feel recharged by different situations. Do what you love.
4. Give yourself an allowance.
Plan to have some money to spend on your day off based on your own family budget. (Or set aside Christmas and Birthday money to spend) Let someone else worry about dinner and the dishes for a change, buy a new outfit or a new book, or go to the spa.
3. Go somewhere you can relax.
For some people (like me) staying at home is the most relaxing place where you could be - all your things are where you can find them, you can sleep in your own bed, everything is familiar. But for others they look around and can only think of things that need to get done, so getting away is more relaxing.
2. Don't feel guilty.
I bet you can count on one hand the number of times that you had an entire day to yourself. Take the day off, make a list of what needs to get done later, relax and don't feel guilty about doing it. You deserve it - you work from sun up to sun down 7 days a week 365 days a year. You don't get sick days or vacation time --- THIS is your vacation! Enjoy it!!
1. Set aside time for worship and prayer.
God created us to need rest. Our culture pushes us to do the opposite. During your time off, plan a special time to be alone with God in worship and in prayer. Listen to quiet music, journal, pray. Leave your worries at the cross. Listen for the still small voice of God and let Him restore your weary soul.
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