Thanks for stopping by and spending a moment to read my blog. I am just a simple mom, like you, doing the best she can to raise her children to be happy, healthy, Jesus-loving little humans. I hope that I can pass along to you some of what has been helpful to me. Enjoy & thank you for your comments and words of encouragement when you like what you read. :)

Thursday, February 28, 2013

{Parenting Tip} Positive Reinforcement

My middle son is a very stubborn four years old. Disciplining him is nothing like it was with my first son - what worked with him doesn't even phase my four year old. Different personalities -- for sure, and with that comes a different approach. I would much prefer to be a mom who encourages her children instead of harping on them all the time. That being said, by the end of the day when I am tired and counting the minutes until bedtime it is easier said than done. Here is one idea that has helped in my house and may help you too!!

{The Treasure Box}
In order to encourage a helpful/cheerful attitude and better behavior choices we have started using a treasure box. When I catch my son doing something good, being helpful or another behavior choice that we have been working on he can get a treat from the treasure box. I found the wooden box at the craft store and let my son paint the box himself. Then we filled it with goodies from the dollar store. He is REALLY into art so recently I filled it with crayons. I hope that if you have a child who isn't responding well to discipline this will help you too. Remember to encourage good behavior and let NOT getting a reward by the discipline by itself.

{Muffin Monday} Banana Nut Muffins

{Banana Nut Muffins}
1 cup friendship bread starter (or water)
2 eggs
1/2 cup oil
1 cup water
3 cups {muffin mix} {single batch recipe}
1 tsp vanilla
2 medium ripe bananas, mashed
1 cup chopped walnut pieces (optional)

Mix wet ingredients well then add the muffin mix and bananas until moistened. Fold in nuts. Scoop into lined or greased muffin cups until 2/3 full, and bake at 350 degrees for 18-25 minutes.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Craft-Along {ABC Animal Handprint Book}

Starting in March, I am inviting you to join me for my first ever {Craft-Along}!! We will be making an ABC Animal Handprint Book inspired by the original blog post by {Red Ted Art} published last Octocber! I am so excited because my 4 year old LOVES art and is always begging me to paint. This will be a fun way for him to learn his letters while doing what he loves! Below you will find a list for all the supplies you will need to complete your own book. You will also find a schedule of how the six weeks will look. Each week we will complete 4-5 animals and by the end of 6 weeks you will have a finished ABC book made with your child's own handprints! :)

Click {here} for a FREE PRINTABLE to use with your book which includes the text for each letter ("A is for Alien") and a letter tracing page that can be used with a dry-erase marker or dry-erase crayons when you are finished and the pages have been laminated.

I would LOVE - LOVE - LOVE to see pictures of your kids' artwork along the way!! If you would like to share please join my photo group on flickr {Craft-Along: ABC Handprint Book}.

Complete Supply List
Washable Paint (as many colors as you can)
Paint brushes
Googley Eyes
Tulle or shimmery fabric (for the bee)
Feathers(for the owl - you pick the color)
Construction Paper
Yarn (for the unicorns hair - you pick the color)
White paper
Laminator & sheets (*It is totally worth it to buy one)

Craft-Along Schedule
Week One
A is for Alien
B is for Bee
C is for Crocodile
D is for Dinosaur
E is for Elephant

Week Two
F is for Flamingo
G is for Gorilla
H is for Hippopotamus
I is for Impala
J is for Jelly Fish

Week Three
K is for Kingfisher
L is for Ladybug
M is for Monkey
N is for Narwhal

Week Four
O is for Owl
P is for Penguin
Q is for Quail
R is for Raccoon

Week Five
S is for Snail
T is for Turtle
U is for Unicorn
V is for Vulture

Week Six
W is for Walrus
X is for X-Ray Fish
Y is for Yak
Z is for Zebra

Monday, February 18, 2013

Pintrest Inspired {Zebra Pretzel Sandwiches}

Mini Waffle Cut Pretzels
Hershey's Hugs

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Unwrap all of the chocolates in the bag, set aside. Place unbroken pretzels in rows on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. Top each one with a chocolate. Bake for 1-2 minutes or just until chocolate is slightly melted. Top with another unbroken pretzel, pressing slightly (if necessary) to set pretzel into the chocolate. Cool completely in a cool place until chocolate hardens.

{Beware: these are REALLY YUMMY!! As a self-proclaimed chocholic, you may want to only serve these when LOTS of people are around so you won't be tempted to eat the entire batch yourslef. Don't say I didn't warn you}

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Muffin Monday {Chocolate Chocolate Chip}

{Chocolate Chocolate Chip}
1 cup friendship bread starter (or water)
3 oz intant chocolate pudding mix
2 eggs
1/2 cup oil
3/4 cup water
3 cups {muffin mix} {single batch recipe}
1 tsp vanilla
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips

Mix wet ingredients well then add pudding mix and muffin mix until moistened. Fold in chocolate chips. Scoop into lined or greased muffin cups until 2/3 full, and bake at 350 degrees for 18-25 minutes.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Living the 5 Love Languages {Acts of Service}

Welcome to the final day - day 5 of my new series -- we are talking about each of the 5 love languages as defined by Gary Chapman in his book, The Five Love Languages. If you haven't read it you definitely should, but please join us even if you haven't! You can find a quiz to find out your own love language on their website as well as join a challenge that starts this week to help you better show love to your spouse! Each day this week I will give you practical ideas to start living out the love languages to your own spouse. I hope you enjoy the series and if you have any more ideas or what has worked for your and your spouse please comment below, I'd love to hear from you! :)

{Practical Ideas}
  • Ask your spouse what their least favorite household task/chore is and start doing it for them
  • Pay careful attention to follow through when your spouse asks you to do something for them
  • Do things for them without being asked and expect nothing in return (even if they don't notice or say thank you)
  • Husbands, take the kids so she can have some time to herself
  • Give your spouse a massage or draw them a bath
  • Make a special dinner for the two of you at home
  • Deliver Starbucks to them while they are at work
  • Make them a special hot lunch and take it to them to trade for the pbj they packed that morning

{I am doing ANOTHER giveaway}
In order to celebrate the series, I am giving away a copy of The 5 Love Languages on Friday the 15th at 8pm MST. If you'd like to enter for a chance to win please visit my facebook page to learn how. :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Living the 5 Love Languages {Quality Time}

Welcome to day 4 of my new series -- we are talking about each of the 5 love languages as defined by Gary Chapman in his book, The Five Love Languages. If you haven't read it you definitely should, but please join us even if you haven't! You can find a quiz to find out your own love language on their website as well as join a challenge that starts this week to help you better show love to your spouse! Each day this week I will give you practical ideas to start living out the love languages to your own spouse. I hope you enjoy the series and if you have any more ideas or what has worked for your and your spouse please comment below, I'd love to hear from you! :)

{Practical Ideas}
  • Pay special attention to your spouse when they are talking to you - it is important for them to feel like they have your undivided attention
  • Try a new hobby or sport together
  • Be silly together
  • Make being together without any other distractions a priorty - plan a date night and put it on the calendar
  • Take a college class together
  • Set a goal together and work to achieve it
{My Top 5 Favorite Date Night Idea Resources}
  1. 32 At-Home Date Ideas (plus links for 350+ more)
  2. Love, Actually Blog
  3. The Dating Divas
  4. Fun & Creative Dates for Married Couples
  5. 100 Date Night Ideas (by Redbook)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Living the 5 Love Languages {Receiving Gifts}

Welcome to day 3 of my new series -- we are going to be talking about each of the 5 love languages as defined by Gary Chapman in his book, The Five Love Languages. If you haven't read it you definitely should, but please join us even if you haven't! You can find a quiz to find out your own love language on their website as well as join a challenge that starts this week to help you better show love to your spouse! Each day this week I will give you practical ideas to start living out the love languages to your own spouse. I hope you enjoy the series and if you have any more ideas or what has worked for your and your spouse please comment below, I'd love to hear from you! :)

{Practical Ideas}

  • Budiour photo albumn or for a more private session - supplies for an at-home photo shoot along with photo printer and photo paper
  • Date night gift cards
  • Personalized sports items
  • His favorite snack, that you rarely buy from the store
  • iTunes gift card
FOR YOUR WIFE besides jewelry, flowers or chocolate of course...
*all linked for easy shopping ;) P.S. If you need help making something crafty, one of her friends would be delighted to help you I am sure.
Post a "WISH LIST" on the fridge and as you see things that you would like jot them down. This will give your spouse some great ideas of things you might like.

Take the {Love Language Quiz}

Monday, February 11, 2013

Living the 5 Love Languages {Physical Touch}

Today is the second day of my series on practical ways to live out Gary Chapman's Five Love Languages with your spouse! Yesterday we talked about {Words of Affimation}. You can take a free quiz to learn what your love language is {here} as well as join the 5 week challange customized to you and your spouse. 
"This language isn't all about the bedroom. A person whose primary language is Physical Touch is, not surprisingly, very touchy. Hugs, pats on the back, holding hands, and thoughtful touches on the arm, shoulder, or face—they can all be ways to show excitement, concern, care, and love. Physical presence and accessibility are crucial, while neglect or abuse can be unforgivable and destructive."
{Practical Ideas}
  • Give your spouse a hug and a kiss before you do anything else when you get home.
  • Along with direct eye contact, touch or hold your spouse when they are upset about something or sharing a concern with you.
  • Give your spouse a massage
  • Sensual love coupons ;)
  • Hold hands and face each other when you are talking
  • Spicy dice
  • Cuddle with no alterior motives

Fabric Covered Monogram Letters {Photo Tutorial}

Here is a quick and easy project you can complete in less than 30 minutes and use up some fabric scraps at the same time! Most of the supplies you probably already have at home and you can find the wooden letters at the craft store for cheap! These are actually going to be my kid's Teacher Valentine's Gifts.
2 inch strips of fabric
hot glue
wooden letters
6-9" strip of rafia or ribbon
flowers, bows or other embellishments (optional)
Start by cutting 2 inch strips of fabric. I used pinking sheers to give a decorative edge and help prevent fraying.
Starting on the back side of one end of the letter, adhere a strip of fabric with hot glue. Wrap snuggly  around the letter overlapping the fabric by 1/2" and gluing on the edges and corners when you can. Tuck and fold edges onto the back side securing with hot glue to create a smooth surface on the front.
Embellish your wrapped letter with flowers or a bow, again adhering with hot glue.
On the back side, glue the ends of a piece of rafia or ribbon to hang your letter with hot glue. Wait until completely dry before hanging!
You are finished!! Enjoy!!!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Muffin Monday {Blueberry Sour Cream Muffins}

1 cup friendship bread starter (or water)
1/2 cup oil
1/2 cup sour cream
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract
3 cups {muffin mix} {single batch recipe}
1 cup wild blueberries

Mix wet ingredients until well blended. Add muffin mix just until moist (small lumps are okay). Gently fold in blueberries. Scoop in to greased or lined muffin cups until 3/4 full and bake at 350 degress for 15-20 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.

Living the 5 Love Languages {Affirmation}

Welcome to my new series -- we are going to be talking about each of the 5 love languages as defined by Gary Chapman in his book, The Five Love Languages. If you haven't read it you definitely should, but please join us even if you haven't! You can find a quiz to find out your own love language on their website as well as join a challenge that starts this week to help you better show love to your spouse! Each day this week I will give you practical ideas to start living out the love languages to your own spouse. I hope you enjoy the series and if you have any more ideas or what has worked for your and your spouse please comment below, I'd love to hear from you! :)

"Actions don't always speak louder than words. If this is your love language, unsolicited compliments mean the world to you. Hearing the words, "I love you," are important—hearing the reasons behind that love sends your spirits skyward. Insults can leave you shattered and are not easily forgotten."
{Practical Ideas}
  • Tell your spouse that you are proud of them and give an example ("I am so proud of you! You are such a good mom/dad")
  • Write your spouse a love letter like you did when you were dating, tell them about why you love them and reaffirm your vows.
  • Brag about your spouse in front of them. (Compliment something they are good at that you are proud of)
  • Don't say anything bad about your spouse to them or anyone else. Women especially need to be careful what we say to our friends that may plant unhealthy seeds in our own hearts. (Wives if this is your husband's love language consider taking the 30 Day Husband Challenge)
  • Show them respect by fully listening to their ideas and then complimenting them on the good qualities that were there. (Practice using the phrase, "Yes, if..." Rather than listing off reasons why something won't work, validate their thoughts and ideas by encouraging them to work through any issues that you see. For example, "What would you think if I planted a garden this summer?" "That sounds like something you would really enjoy! If we can't find a spot with enough sunlight in the back do you have a second spot in mind?" Using "yes, if..." affirms them and makes them feel like you appreciate their ideas.)
  • Be careful of your words - sarcasm can come across as hurtful even if you are just joking.
  • Compliment your spouse on something they have been working hard at or a new project they have going on. This let's them know that you noticed and appreciate what they have been doing.
  • If you have a concern or criticism of your spouse choose your words very carefully. Make sure that what you are saying is understood as a problem with the situation and not them personally. Affirm your commitment to them and your relationship. As your spouse they look to you for approval above anyone else. When you are disappointed it is a big deal. It may help in this situation to physically touch or embrace your spouse and make frequent eye contact during the conversation. Don't be surprised if they get defensive. Criticism can often feels like a personal attack.

{Eric Carle Busy Bag Swap} Photo Gallery


Eric Carle Busy Bag Swap, a set on Flickr.

Eric Carle Animal Homes Flip Book {PreK Busy Bag}

This is a fun activity for your preschooler to do to learn about animal homes that goes along with Eric Carle's book, Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See? The animal names are printed on the top in the same color as the animal then down below is their home. You child will have fun flipping through the sections to mix and match the pages. Don't forget to laugh with them when the show you the will blue sheep that likes in the tree. Because they laugh, they know something isn't right and they think it's silly -- learning can be fun! :)

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Eric Carle Puzzle Blocks {PreK Busy Bag}

These Eric Carle themed puzzle blocks are fun for your preschooler to play with --- my 4 year old was quietly entertained for at least 30 minutes yesterday! Simply purchase wooden blocks from the craft store and print animal photos onto sticker paper. (I used 1" cubes, but they had several sizes to choose from) Trim and apply to the sides of the blocks. For more of a challenge try a 9 block square or smaller blocks. :)

Friday, February 8, 2013

Next Week {Living the 5 Love Languages}

Each of us feels most loved when we have our most dominent needs met in one of 5 categories: physical touch, words of affirmation, quality time, acts of service, or receiving gifts. When we are intentional to our spouses and our children's "love language" they feel more loved and our relationship with them flourishes!! Take a free quiz on their webpage to discover your love language!

Next week, I will focus on practical ways that we can better show love to our husbands in each of the 5 categories. And....also starting on Monday & JUST IN TIME for my series the 5 Love Languages website is hosting a challenge for couples! {5 Challenges. 5 Weeks. 1 Love Story} Perfect!! I have started a unique team just for us as we go along the journey together! To view a short promo video and to join the team {click here} -- team name: DirtDontHurt. You can also take the quiz and join the team via the free mobile app "The Five Love Languages" - they will send the weekly challenge specifically for your spouse's love language to your phone. :)

Finally, if you need a copy the Kindle edition of The Five Love Languages is on sale right now at for $6.88 or click {here} to get a coupon to purchase the book from Family Christians Bookstores (in store or online) for only $5.00!

If you are a new reader this week, welcome to my blog & I hope you will join us on the journey!!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Heart Themed Number Matching Busy Bag

I made these for my son's Preschool class this Valentine's Day! I know the kids will love having something to play with when they get home, and the parents will be relieved its not more candy! I love this PreK busy bag because it covers a wide range of ages and skill levels. If your child is just learning colors you can igore the numbers and just match colors. If they are onto counting and number recognition, match the number on the clothes pin to the correct number of dots (colors match). If they are learning to read, have them match the number to the correct number word and then check if they are right by counting the dots on the back --- they match. FUN!! To make it more Valentine's Themed I punched the numbers out with a heart shaped punch.

Supplies: (Make 15 Busy Bags/Valentine's)
2 sheets each of 5 colors of 8.5x11 cardstock - 10 sheets total for all 15 bags!!!
150 clothespins (10/bag)
Heart shaped paper punch
Hot glue
1. Cut out 2 inch squares from each of the colors to make 10 per child.

2. Punch out 10 hearts per child, write the numbers 1-10 on them and glue to the pinching tip of the clothes pin.

3. Write the words 'one' through 'ten' on the square cards. Then on the reverse, draw the corresponding number of dots. *NOTE: When I used a sharpie it bled through, so I would suggest raiding your child's washables. ;)

4. Place everything in a ziplock baggie along with your valentine or printed note.

Nuts & Bolts Valentine's

Here is a sugar-free alternative for your elementary school child to give to their classmates this year for Valentine's Day!! Enclose a bolt and some nuts with the alphabet written on them for a fun new way for the kids to practice their spelling words!! A set of 105 steel 1/4" nuts and 15 matching 2" bolts cost lest than $10 for me today at Lowes. That is less than $1 a piece for an activity that will last them for a long time.

Write 3-4 sets of the alphabet on the nuts using a permanent marker, then enclose in a snack sized ziplock bag and attach your valentine or cheesy printed message.
"I'm NUTS about you - have fun spelling!"
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