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Friday, January 11, 2013

Toddler Busy Bag: Popsicle Stick Puzzles

 Popsicle Stick Puzzles
This Busy Bag contains 4 sets of color-coordinated stick puzzles. Teach your young toddler about colors as they match the colors of the popsicle sticks. As they get older help them put the animals together, while teaching them about farm animals and the fun sounds they make!

Large popsicle sticks*
Full sheet label or sticker paper

*If staining at home you will also need rubbing alcohol, liquid food coloring, newspaper & rubber gloves

(Otional)To stain your own popsicle sticks, add 30-40 drops of liquid food coloring to 1/2 cup of rubbing alcohol in a ziplock bag. Add dry popsicle sticks and allow to sit in the stain for 15-30 minutes, rearranging the sticks every 5-10 minutes for even saturation. When time has elapsed, lay the sticks in a single layer to dry on several layers of newspaper (I used an entire section) for each. Allow several hours or overnight for them to completely dry. The alcohol smell will weaken over time.

To add a photo to your stick, print and cut out images using your computer/printer. Press firmly onto the sticks paying close attention to the area between the sticks. I used my Cricut tools but the flat end of a butter knife would work as well. Cut between the sticks with an sharp knife or rotary blade. Press down any loose edges hanging over the edge.

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