In December, I committed to keeping a 5 Year Family Journal - well, January is upon us and now I am beginning to realize that I don't have very much to write about. So, to spur your creativity (and mine as well) here is a list of prompts for your own family journal or scrapbook.
1. About someone you love
- Something you are proud of
- A characteristic you enjoy
- A prayer you have for them
- Something they enjoyed
- Something that made you laugh
- Something they said
2. Angels in disguise
- Someone who blessed you today
- Someone who helped you today
- Someone you appreciate
- Someone you have learned from
- A new friend
- An old friend
3. Eyes open to the hand of God
- A glance of unconditional love
- A glance of forgiveness
- A glance of hope
- A glance of faith
- A glance of peace
- An answered prayer
4. A day in the life
- Something you do everyday
- Something you rarely get to do
- Something you have been looking forward to
- Something you take for granted
- Something new
- Something you love to do
5. From the eyes of a child
- Something fun to do
- A new experience
- A simple joy
- Something to get super excited about
- Something to laugh about
- A friend to play with
Awesome prompts! Thanks. :)