Thanks for stopping by and spending a moment to read my blog. I am just a simple mom, like you, doing the best she can to raise her children to be happy, healthy, Jesus-loving little humans. I hope that I can pass along to you some of what has been helpful to me. Enjoy & thank you for your comments and words of encouragement when you like what you read. :)

Friday, October 11, 2013

I started giving myself an allowance

Being a stay-at-home mom is no joke! We work from long hours, with few breaks and seldom get to take a sick day or vacation. Most of us chose to stay home love it and would tell you in a heartbeat that the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks. Lately my kids haven't been doing their chores - and with 6 of us in our family that meant a whole lot more work for me and one very tired mama. So, I made a list to show my kids everything I do each day and told them that whomever did each item on the list first each day would get a quarter. I put out jars and grabbed a handful of quarters and paid myself for all the chores I had done that day. Clink-clink-clink!! With the coins all deposited for the day I told them the list would be on the fridge from now on and I was no longer going to remind them more than once to get things done. I would pay them (and myself) in quarters at the end of every day. End of conversation. The next morning you should've seen my kids hustle about to do their chores! They've even been doing extra jobs! Whoop!! As their little jars get full I plan to count what they've made at the end of the week and allow them to keep or spend 70% (after 10% goes back to the church and 20% goes into savings). As for my own jar - it's a nice little incentive to get everything done each day. Even as a grown up its nice to have a little spending money! ;) 

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