A few weeks ago a friend compared me to Michelle Duggar. She said, "You are alway so calm with your kids, do you ever yell at them?" My four year old was sitting beside me and wasn't shy to share that I do loose my temper. Why do we put on our "Good Mommy" masks and have an endless resivior of patience anywhere but inside the four walls and privacy of our home? I heard about The Orange Rhino Challage and thought --- there is NO WAY! But after giving it some thought a Still Small Voice began to tug at my heart strings. My boys deserve better than an angry, tempermental, ready-to-snap mommy. We only have so long with them and as memories are being made I want them to be good. I am gonna have to start over at least once, but I something like this is WORTH IT!! Who's with me???
So, I am taking the 365 day challenge --- I am commited to stop yelling at my kids. Find out more about The Orange Rhino Challenge at her blog and follow her on facebook!!
I've been wanting to stop yelling for what seems like forever. I have huge guilt before I go to bed each night and then wake up and start all over again. I'll join ya! I can be your accountability partner. I think I could relate to my kids a lot more if I didn't yell.