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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Speed RISK {Capture the King}

My 7 year old LOVES the game Risk, but with the little ones running around I don't have the time or space to leave the game set up for the time it takes to play it. Today we came up with new rules to make the game ALOT faster. The first time we played it took 30 minutes from set up to winner. The second time it only took about 15. All the fun and strategy of the full version without the time it takes to play it. Here is how we played! 

Speed Risk: Capture the King

Players: 2-5 (ages 7+)
Time: 1 hour or less
To Win: First player to occupy the "King's country"

1. Draw a country card at random - this is where the "king" will be. Place 20 neutral colored soldiers on this county. Place 5 matching neutral colored soldiers on every country that directly touches the "king country". (See photo above)
2. Remove the cards for the king's territory from the deck. Shuffle the remaining cards and distribute evenly between the players. If there is an odd number of cards, the king will occupy any that are leftover. 

To Play:
1. Roll to see who will go first. 
2. Just like in the full version, attack adjacent countries by rolling the dice. Attacker rolls with 3 dice or one less than the number of the soldiers in his country. (You must have 2 or more soldiers to attack. 2 soldiers roll 1 dice, 3 soldiers roll 2 dice, 4+ soldiers roll 3 dice). The defending country rolls with 2 dice or the same number as they have soldiers. 
3. You may roll to attack any adjacent country up to three time per turn. At the end of your turn you may maneuver troops to neighboring countries without penalty (leaving at least one in each country). Or you may move troops from any non-neighboring country and skip your next turn.     
4. In this version you do not gain more troops during the game. 

- You must occupy all of the king's territories to win
- You must occupy the king's entire continent to win (place 5 soldiers on every country within the kings territory to start)
- Unlimited number of attacks per turn

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